A Guide to Overcoming Procrastination and Finding Focus

A Guide to Overcoming Procrastination and Finding Focus

Procrastination might be understood as the tendency to postpone some work or duty. It is interesting to understand why we tend to procrastinate. It is definitely not the case that someone wants to pile up their work. Thus, it is crucial to understand that our mind and soul tends to run away from the zones of discomfort. Our reflex makes the running away happen quite unconsciously. To face the unknown and the uncomfortable things is something we naturally opt away from. The trick to correct it is to stop one’s self right at the moment when the inner self is all ready to return from the doorstep of the duty. And being absolutely conscious about it all that is needed. This could be achieved by daily practicing the following.

  • By creating a meditation space: Carry out a un procrastination session daily. Select a task which has been long procrastinated or any task for that matter and allocate a certain time and duration in the day to accomplish it. During that time period make sure to do that particular task and nothing else. Make sure it’s done within the set time span too.
  • Consciously instruct one’s own self not to switch: This will probably be tough. But the first step is crucial for overcoming the bad habit. The second time will always be much easier. Concentrating and not letting anything else act as a distraction is important. The moment one feels like switching it is crucial to consciously control.
  • Keeping the urge alive: If all things in life are backed by constant motivation, the delivery of work is much better. Meditating can help a lot in directing the mind to do the needful. Getting bored, confused and intimidated is natural. But facing the challenges and punching back is all that is needed.
  • Returning to the task: With meditation, the anxiety is likely to disappear. The next step is to get back to the task in hand. 

Focus is definitely a trivial thing. It is like a butterfly always trying to hop around. But accomplishing the task to unite all attention and concentrate on a particular thing is of unparallel importance. With practice, the focusing power is definite to enhance. Having a deep-rooted motivation often helps persons to focus on the target. The task being meaningful is crucial in helping the mind work with all concentration for it. Remembering the motivation at all stages of the journey is important. We often forget the real aim amidst facing the complexity of the path of the journey. Make an effort to keep the motivation lively. Disciplining one’s self to get completely into the flow of the task is essential. Not giving the option to divert midway is a part of the discipline to stay focused. Getting involved in a task also generates interest and love for the work, this, in turn, is sure to be a driving force. Practicing until achieving the aim can act as the guideline to overcome all challenges.

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